
.....سْــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـــــمِ.....

"YA ALLAH,,di hari yang penuh kemuliaan ini, Kau berikanlah rezeki yang melimpah-ruah & penuh keberkatan kepadaku dan suamiku, anak2ku,keluargaku&kel­uarga suamiku, Ya ALLAH,lindungilah kami Ya ALLAH & jauhkanlah kami dari perkara yang mendatangkan keburukan. Berkatilah kehidupan kami YA ALLAH.."...أَمِِيْن يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِينْ..(Selawat)


Monday, 12 October 2015

Preventing Hip Dysplasia With Ergonomic Baby Carriers

Here a little bit of infomation about - why choose an ergonomic carrier?

The best type of carriers are ones that distribute most of the baby’s weight evenly through your hips and secure around both shoulders. Good examples of this are Lenny Lamb, Kokadi carriers and some Mei Tais and wraps. They are also designed to seat the baby in the “M” posture whereby their bottom is positioned central in the carrier, is lower than their knees and thier hips are spread open.

The potential damage occurs when the carrier places most of the stress through the crotch and the hip joints. Babies are particularily vunerable if they have been diagnosed with a hip problem, such as hip displasia, as the forces that travel through the baby’s body are directed through the hip joints. This is especially the case when the baby is facing outwards in the carrier and their legs are dangling.

◥ Ergonomic Carrier 
→ Baby is in natural seating position
→ Hip is supported by the carrier

◥ Crotch Carrier
→ Legs is dangling around without support
→ Baby not in natural seating position
→ famous brand stokke, baby bjorn and etc

Ergonomic Baby Carriers : Important Facts!

Important facts!

Knee to knee refers to the support the sling or carrier gives to your baby’s thighs. The idea in a sling is that the baby sits on their bottom in a position which looks like a squat. (this position has various names including supported squat, M-Position, frog or froggy leg position and spread squat).

It is a position that a baby naturally adopts when being held and when laying down. It is important that you think about the knees being higher than bum and not stretching the legs around the wearer.

Happy babywearing!

Saturday, 10 October 2015

International Babywearing Week 2015 **GIVEAWAY**

**International Babywearing Week 2015**

Prize : The Wrap Scrap Necessary Clutch Wallet Jumpsac Midnight Rainbow and Key Fob


The Giveway Will Close On 16 OCT 2015 3 PM
Goodluck and Thank You!
Happy Babywearing

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

International Babywearing Week 2015 By MBW

MBW will be celebrating International Babywearing Week 2015
on 7 November 2015 (Saturday)

Time: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Venue : West Garden Boulevard, One City Mall, Jalan USJ 25/1, 47650, Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

Remember to mark this date as we have many program fun activities for the whole family.

There are lots of exciting lucky draw prices too from our generously sponsors.

Lets embrace your world and help spread the babywearing love. Please share this post with your family and friends. See you there!

Mark your attendance HERE!!!

International Babywearing Week KL 2015

International Babywearing Week Kuala Lumpur 2015
24 October 2015 (Saturday)
Citta Mall, Ara Damansara, Petaling Jaya.
Mark this date!
Many exciting things will happen on this date including:
- babywearing demos and forums 
- babywearing clinic to help you troubleshoot your technique
- babywearing celebrities appearance, meet & greet!
- media coverage
- fun activities for the whole family
- goody bags
- lucky draws!
- charity drive
- vendor booths
- merchandize sale
And many many more! And attendance is FREE of Charge!
Help us spread the babywearing love by sharing this post with your family and friends. We cant wait to see you there!
Mark your attendance HERE!