
.....سْــــــــــــــمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْـــــمِ.....

"YA ALLAH,,di hari yang penuh kemuliaan ini, Kau berikanlah rezeki yang melimpah-ruah & penuh keberkatan kepadaku dan suamiku, anak2ku,keluargaku&kel­uarga suamiku, Ya ALLAH,lindungilah kami Ya ALLAH & jauhkanlah kami dari perkara yang mendatangkan keburukan. Berkatilah kehidupan kami YA ALLAH.."...أَمِِيْن يَا رَبَّ العَالَمِينْ..(Selawat)


Friday, 27 November 2015

Tutorial : Galaxy Ice Dye Wrap

Dah lama sebenarnya simpan cita-cita nak dye wrap sendiri. Akhirnya berani jugak buat. Selama ni asyik google je macam-macam tutorial. Tak nak fikir-fikir lagi so terus beli je semua bahan-bahan yang diperlukan. Bahannya mudah didapati. Kebanyakannya saya beli dari Ace Hardware seperti fabric dye Dylon dan Soda Ash/Washing Soda. Fabric dye Dylon boleh juga dibeli secara online di

Jom mula!

Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan :

- Woven Wrap (saya guna Daiesu Sandbox size 5 - 4.2m by )

- Soda Ash

- Dylon Dye (Bahama Blue, Intense Violet, Flamingo Pink, Navy Blue - 1 pack for each color)

- Dawn Ultra Dishwashing Liquid

- Ais

- White Fabric Paint (Dalam gambar ni brand Derivan tapi saya guna brand Jacquard Neopaque)

- Latex Gloves

- Face Mask

- Bekas/dawai/anything possible yang berjaring untuk letakkan wrap (saya guna bakul, lapikkan bekas besar di bahagian bawah untuk takung ais yang akan cair)

- Aluminium Foil (yang ni saya tak buat sebab keliling bakul dah cukup untuk hold ais)

Di bawah ini ialah tutorial asal dari Valene Hoover (shared with permission) dari FB group Dyed Baby Carriers group yang banyak membantu saya.

1. Wash on hot once, no soap.

2. Wash on hot with a drop of Dawn.

3. I air dried, but you can dry in the dryer for shrinkage.

4. I scoured, but apparently gauze isn't dirty like osnaburg, so the water was clear. I usually scour my osnaburg for an hour in a cooler. I use boiling hot pans of water on the stove mixed with the ratio in the files of soda ash and dawn. Stir it around, your water will look like ice tea.

5. Another hot wash, no soap.

6. Soda ash soak. I usually soak for 12 hours, but an hour soak will suffice.

7. Squeeze out access water and put in washer on spin cycle to get the rest of the water out. If you don't have this option on your washer, ring out access water as best as you can.

Renyukkan kain seperti ini, jangan rapat sangat
8. Scrunch up fabric loosely.

9. Put fabric on a grate with a drip pan to let water and dye drip out.

10. Wrap alluminum foil around the outside of the wrap to hold the ice on top of the wrap while

Taburkan dye ikut suka. Saya guna sudu. JANGAN LUPA PAKAI GLOVE & MASK
11. Put your dye down on the fabric, any pattern you prefer, usually putting primary colors next to secondary colors so you don't create mudding.
(ie: red and orange compliment each other, but if you put green next to red or orange, you will get brown. Study the color wheel first before laying your dye.)

Letak ais tutup semua bahagian. Tabur soda ash atasnya.
12. Slowly place a layer of ice over the entire top. I usually use about 5 lbs. of ice.

13. Let it melt. This can take anywhere from 8 hours to 16 hours depending on how much ice you used, the temp of your room and the size of your ice cubes.

Ais dah cair sikit tapi ada bahagian yang tak kena dye.
Letak dye lagi pada bahagian yang tak rata. Tambah ais dan tabur soda ash.
14. Clumps aren't bad! You will have clumps if you used enough dye, white spots on top and underneath if you didn't use enough dye. I didn't use enough dye the first time, so I went back and applied another layer of dye and a thin layer of ice. I used 5 more lbs. of ice, which is 10 lbs. of ice all together.

15. I then sprinkle a thin layer of soda ash to compensate for the loss of soda ash leaking out from the ice.

Ais dah cair semuanya. Saya biarkan semalaman.
16. When the last piece of ice melts, that's when your batching clock starts. I always let my fabric drip dry for a couple hours on my grate. Then transfer your wrap into a garbage bag, a plastic tote with a cover or cover your grate with a garbage bag and find a warm room or a way to heat it so the wrap is at a consistent temp of 70-120 degrees. I prefer to use a heating pad or wrap it in an electric blanket. I also use the Florida sun when its hot out. The trunk of your car is also a good idea...just make sure the dye doesn't leak out!

Pindah masuk dalam plastik sampah dan ikat.
Jemurkan aje kat luar.
17. Batch for atleast 24 hours. I usually like to batch between 35-48 hours just to make sure the dye bonded to the fabric.

18. Rinse your wrap in cold water in the tub until water runs clear. This usually takes me 15-30 minutes.

19. I like to do multiple cold soaks in the tub to save water which can take hours or you can also do multiple cold washes with no soap.

20. Wash on hot with a drop of dawn. This helps loosen all the dye from the fabric. (You might need to do numerous washes until dye is completely washed out.)

Dah kering. Taraaaaa! At first cuak takut color tak menjadi.
Don't judge your wrap until it dried. Really love it!
21. Dry in dryer for 20 minutes or air dry, which ever you prefer.

22. Admire your hard work.


We recommend Tulip soft fabric paint located at AC Moore, Michael's, Hobby Lobby, Jo Ann Fabrics, etc. Kat spotlight pun ada jual Tulip soft fabric paint.


I personally use Jacquard Luminere, Textile or Neopaque Fabric paint located at, and I've also seen trial packs of luminere at Jo Ann and Hobby Lobby.
Just paint your stars, let them dry for 24 hours. Heat set with an iron. Done.

Lukis bintang! Part paling best ni.
Saya guna White Fabric Paint (Jacquard Neopaque) beli dari . Handpainted guna berus lukisan saiz 4 & 8. Saiz ni terpulanglah ikut nak bintang tu besar mana.

Dah siap!!! 
Ada balance dye saja buat kat baby romper

It's done! I am so happy!

Selamat mencuba!!!